English as a Second Language (ESL)
About ESL in Weakley County Schools
Weakley County Schools is committed to quality instruction for every child, no matter his or her language background. We currently have two ESL teachers, Ms. Jennifer West and Ms. Ashley Meadows, who serve all English Learners every day. They can be reached by email at Email Ms. Jennifer West or Email Ashley Meadows. For additional information about the district's ESL program, contact Jon Gardner, ESL/Title III Director via email at Email Jon Gardner or by phone at 731-364-2247.
Our English Learner program focuses on communication and increasing proficiency in English. The ESL teacher works closely with content teachers to provide our English Learners with the greatest possible opportunity to achieve academic success. Weakley County's board policy concerning English Learners can be found here. The state board policy can be found here.
The ESL program uses the ELPA21 framework for instruction and assessment. Additional information about English Learners in Tennessee can be found on the Tennessee Department of Education website here.